Luftbildaufnahme von landwirtschaftlich genutztem Feld © istock/golero
© istock/golero

Das Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien (ZIRS) ist eine Forschungseinrichtung der Martin-Luther-Universität zur Förderung und Vernetzung regionalwissenschaftlicher Kompetenzen und zur Leitung interdisziplinärer Forschungsprojekte.


Call for contributions - Summer School "Multi-crisis around the World: Perspectives from the Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and the Humanities”

The 2024 meeting, which is organised in close cooperation with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies (ZIRS) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), addresses questions of multiple crises and the role of social sciences and humanities. Find the full call here.

Podcast "Nach der Kohle": Interview mit Felix Schiedlowski

ZIRS-Mitarbeiter Felix Schiedlowski war zu Gast im Podcast “Nach der Kohle”, eine zwölfteilige Reportage-Serie von detektor.fm über den Strukturwandel im Mitteldeutschen Braunkohlerevier. In Folge sieben, “Let’s Talk About Strukturwandel” , berichtet Schiedlowski aus seiner ethnologischen Forschung im Mitteldeutschen Revier. Er äußert sich zu den Hintergründen von Bürgerbeteiligung im Strukturwandel und adressiert Chancen und Fallstricke von Zukunftswerkstätten und einem Bürgerrat zum Kohleausstieg.

Call for Papers: Futures Coal at RGS 2024 in London

ZIRS members Amy Walker and Felix Schiedlowski call for abstracts for their panel on ‘Futures of Coal’: Mapping the Geographies, Materialities and Rhythms of Coal at the Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society. in London, August 2024. The authors welcome geographical, interdisciplinary, artistic, and novel contributions addressing questions and concerns in the fields of geologies of coal, genealogies of coal, temporalities of coal, materials of coal, and folklore of coal. Find the full call here. The deadline for submissions is February 16

PartEEnschaften – Transformative Partizipation in Erneuerbaren Energie-Landschaften

Introducing new research project. In her current project at ZIRS PartEEnschaften – Transformative participation in landscapes of renewable energy, Kim Dittmann (M.A., researcher) conducts research on the connections between energy acceptance and local narratives. In order to intensify public participation and the formation of local publics, the projects aims to integrate local narratives into the planning culture of the energy transition (“Energiewende”).

The Local (and the) expert - Negotiating expertise and future-making in wind energy projects

Introducing new research project. As part of the project collaboration (PartEEnschaften), Kim Dittmann (M.A., researcher) is conducting her PhD research The Local (and the) expert – Negotiating expertise and future-making in wind energy projects, where she investigates the entanglement of knowledge and future-oriented action in the context of local wind energy projects. Her focus is on the development of (climate) expertise, its influence on individual visions of the future and their translation into concrete planning practices

Symposium: City / Energy Relations in Transformation February 28 – March 1, 2024 (Vilnius, Lithuania)

The Symposium “City / Energy Relations in Transformation” will look at the responses of actors from various fields, such as the nation-state, municipal, civil society, business, community, and cultural sector to the accelerated risks for multi-species habitats in Europe due to the intersection of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, environmental crisis, and ongoing energy transition. It will focus on the visions and emerging infrastructural politics for energy generation, transmission, storage, and consumption, conceived and put into practice to tackle this triple-faceted fragility related to energy/society relations. For more information go here.